“To all who are weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to all who will come, this church opens wide her doors and offers welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Our Sunday morning worship service is the primary gathering for Point Hope. Regular worship is vital to the life of a follower of Christ, and is also a good introduction for someone who is curious about the claims of Christianity.
Our worship acknowledges that God is both transcendent (holy and majestic) and immanent (near and present). We follow a thoughtful and connected rhythm in our service, called our liturgy, that reflects the progress of the gospel in our hearts. We believe that the church is for all people, young and old, and we strive to create a space where everyone is seen, heard, and loved. We say and sing parts of our worship service every week in order to help our non-reading children to participate. The aim of our service is to bring glory to God, help Christians grow in their faith, and enable those who are searching to gain a better understanding of the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ.
The Lord’s Supper, also called Communion or the Eucharist, is the family meal of Christians which we celebrate every week. We invite followers of Jesus Christ to partake of this sacrament: those who have believed the gospel, have repented of their sins, and are baptized members in good standing in the Lord’s Church. We encourage those who are not Christians and those who are not prepared to share in this meal, to spend time in reflection and prayer. Our celebration of the Lord's Supper follows a historical and accessible liturgy intended to help us rightly receive the bread and wine by faith. This liturgy is accessible to everyone, including those with mental disabilities, and has been used by churches throughout the world for almost 2000 years. The liturgy requires us to search our own hearts and focuses our hearts and minds on God who is the only one who can satisfy all of our needs.
Giving our tithes and offerings is a crucial aspect of our worship and devotion to God. We believe that the only way to understand any aspect of life is to view it through the lens of the gospel. This holds true for how we understand and steward our finances. Giving is a primary way in which we live out the gospel of grace. When we grab hold of the depth of God’s mercy that has come to us in Christ, we can’t help but be changed by it. God’s grace frees us to loosen our grip on our money and fuels us to give it away for His glory and the good of others. Giving is not something we do so that God will love us, but rather, giving is what we do because God loves us. Seeing Christ's sacrificial love for us, that he gave up everything so that we could inherit the riches of heaven, helps us develop a healthy attitude toward our material possessions and become people who are both generous and joyful. The gospel does not guilt us into giving rather, "each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Cor. 9:7).
We provide convenient and secure ways for you to offer your gifts to God. You may place your offering in the giving box on Sundays during our worship service or give online. Join us in our mission to glorify God through our tithes and offerings.